[RELEASE] Test Build 02: Atien Revamp

This build focuses solely on Atien as a character, and another iteration on the level design process. Efrix and Latra are temporarily rendered unplayable for this version to prioritize revamps to Atien's moveset and model, as well as constructing levels designed specifically for Atien. The other two will of course return with focused revamps of their own in the future. There are now four levels in total to explore; all specific changes are listed in the changelog below.

New Additions

  • New Levels: Rise Park, Distant Outlook, and HF Test
  • New Enemies: Hedge Trimmer, Stomp Cylinder, Sprinkler, Water Crester, Sawtop
  • New Objects: Collapsing Bridge, Flamethrower, Vase, Balance Platforms, Fountains, Air Turret Crate, Ladder, Hint Circle, Fan, Spring Platform, Switch, Triple Hit Switch, Rotating Platforms, Swinging Platforms, Balloons, Balloon Generators, Info Circles
  • New Side Objective: Spin Gears
  • New Status Effect: Aflame
  • Level Select Menu, which lists level objective progress and fastest clear times
  • Master and Music volume sliders in the options menu
  • Controls can now be remapped in their own submenu in the Options screen (includes an unbound-by-default macro to bind Secondary + Primary input to a single key, for Down Strike and Uppercut / Parry)

All Characters

  • Removed extra sprint speed gained from running down slopes
  • Middle Mouse Button (pressing scroll wheel) is now an alternate input to Lock On
  • Atheria bars in the HUD can now display partial fill amounts rather than functioning exclusively as segments
  • Ledgegrab:
    • Added vault animation when climbing over fences
    • Removed delay when you grab onto a ledge, so you can now climb up from a ledge immediately after grabbing it
    • Improved overall ledgegrab detection, so it works more often when it should, and less often when it shouldn't
    • Camera is offset so you can look around more easily while holding onto a ledge
    • Slightly improved climbing up onto moving platforms (though this is still quite janky and unreliable - I'll figure out how to make this actually work eventually)
  • Rapid consective attacks to the player now deal 1/3 the usual damage after the initial hit, rather than being fully negated
  • Camera now focuses on what killed the player upon death
  • Slipping off of a ledge when standing too far off of it is now on a slight delay rather than instant, and players no longer snap up onto ledges when near them
  • Removed random chance of wonk game over screen

Atien Ebrias

  • Visual:
    • New character model
    • Reworked animations
    • Hair now moves
    • New sword model
  • Blocking:
    • Fixed block being interrupted if hit on the ground, allowing you to block consecutive hits
    • Atien now enters Sprint if Sprint is held while lowering Block
    • Blocking now rotates you to face the direction of a locked-on target
    • Double-tapping Block now causes Atien to rotate to face the same direction as the camera for as long as you hold it down
    • Air Block is now replenished after bouncing up from a Down Strike
    • Increased Air Block duration
    • Blocking now defends you from all damage rather than only half
    • Can now Air Block again if used to block a hit in midair
    • Better detection of successful block direction
    • Fixed glitch where slightly higher acceleration is kept if block is initiated while sprinting
  • Parry:
    • Increased Parry window duration
    • Increased animation speed, making it activate earlier
    • Increased hitbox size to have a higher reach
    • Parrying now fully exits Block
    • Camera angle now changes when holding Block while locked on to make it easier to see projectiles to parry
  • Down Strike:
    • Increased hitbox size
    • Fixed sometimes having extremely low air control when bouncing from a down strike
    • Now snaps the player up slightly at the start of the bounce if the target is above them
    • Fixed glitch where you fall down in ledgegrab state if you grab a ledge too soon after a Down Strike Bounce
  • Spiral Dash:
    • Added a visual indicator for when an enemy is in Spiral Dash range, as well as which angle of approach you will take
    • Added a trick animation when successfully destroying a target and replenishing your Double Jump and Spiral Dash
    • A successful Spiral Dash now also refreshes normal Air Slashes, so you can use them for more precise air control afterwards, rather than being exclusively limited to another Spiral Dash
    • Added a unique falling pose after using a Spiral Dash (which gradually angles downwards as a visual indicator when your Double Jump has been used), and a unique landing animation from this pose
    • Toned down the distance and speed it launches the player
    • Added failsafe for when you drift out of the range of a target during the attack animation, making it less likely to suddenly lose focus on a target while attacking
    • Can turn more sharply when initializing the Spiral Dash, making it easier to actually go in the direction you want
    • Now has an animation for bonking off of walls during a Spiral Dash, which also disables Double Jump (also happens if you take damage after an Air Spiral)
    • When an enemy survives a Spiral Dash, Atien now bounces off of it
    • Fixed slight difference in speed and distance when Spiral Dash is initiated by Sprint + Attack input, versus holding and releasing Attack
    • Fixed glitch where you can sometimes use Spiral Dash when exhausted
  • Atherian Draw:
    • Atien now spawns with only 1 Atheria rather than a full bar
    • Atheria bar in use now visually drains during active duration
    • Atheria is gradually regained by defeating enemies
    • Down Striking the ground now causes spectral swords to seek out four individual nearby targets (assuming all four are present)
    • Uppercut while locked onto an enemy now sends a single spectral sword as a projectile for 1 damage
    • Spectral swords no longer seek additional targets if they overkill one target
  • Air Slash:
    • Endlag is longer if it doesn't land a hit, similar to how ground slash works
    • Improved turning ability while slashing
    • Fixed excessive hitbox range that allowed players to hit targets from weirdly far away
    • Fixed glitch where attempting to double jump during an exhausted Air Slash drops the player early
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Ledgegrab now properly replenishes ability to use the Air Spiral and Air Block
    • Fixed Sprint input sometimes not registering following certain moves, or certain moves toggling Sprint off


  • Air Turret
    • New model
    • Fires more quickly after detecting player, so they can't just effortlessly be destroyed before they attack
    • Fires in volleys of two projectiles instead of just one
    • Longer delay between projectile volleys
    • Added several variants to Air Turret movement behaviors
    • Projectiles can no longer be deflected by Air Spiral
    • Parried projectiles now home in on the source Air Turret, making it easier to successfully parry a moving Air Turret
    • No longer cancels a shot when player leaves its range, and instead will still fire a parting shot
    • Fixed crosshair position when view of player is blocked by terrain, and reduced jitter when following a moving target
    • Body no longer physically blocks the player
    • Front light now turns off when destroyed
    • Can no longer friendly fire other Air Turrets
    • Fixed glitch where they double their shots if the player enters and exits their active range at the right time
  • Burst Turret
    • New model
    • Fires ten shots per burst instead of three, increased fire rate, and decreased cooldown between volleys, making them much more aggressive
    • Increased health from 3 to 5
    • Successfully parrying a projectile now results in just one projectile that erases other projectiles that it goes through and destroys the Burst Turret in one hit
  • Line Turret
    • Now causes player character to flinch while health is being drained


  • Coins
    • Ghost Coins now appear in the place of coins you've already collected after reloading from a checkpoint (still a bit unreliable on when they spawn in)
    • Added larger yellow variant to coin bundles
  • Pistons
    • New model
    • Now remain solid while launching the player, more tactile feeling (slight glitch where sometimes they don't launch the player, will look into)
  • Fire Rings
    • Now inactive by default and temporarily switched on via nearby red buttons which need to be pressed with a Down Strike; will reset if the player does not go through each Fire Ring in a circuit in time
    • Increased size, making it easier to jump through them
    • Do less contact damage, also inflict player with Aflame debuff
  • Flowing Water
    • Added a gradual acceleration to pushing the player
    • Being pushed no longer forces the player into a walking state
    • Jumping out of flowing water now disables Air Slashes and continues push momentum, making it harder to jump upstream (Spiral Dash and Air Block remain available, however)
    • Vertical Waterfalls now have unique interaction (at least in Distant Outlook), recoiling players who try to jump through unless using the Spiral Dash to break through it
  • Cyclifuge (Boost Rings)
    • New model
    • Now require being struck to activate before jumping through
    • Causes Atien to do a frontflip
    • Replenishes Atien's Double Jump, Air Slashes, and Air Spiral when jumping through
  • Electric Fence
    • No longer blocks camera
  • Spikes
    • Updated model
  • Vitality Crystals
    • Changed amount of restored health
  • Atheria Crystals
    • Changed amount of restored atheria
  • Secret Crystals
    • New model
    • Fixed target location to be the center of mass instead of just below it
    • No longer physically blocks the player
    • Now go into a "temporarily collected" state in the HUD when collected, only being fully locked in at Save Platforms
  • Crates
    • Can now contain small Atheria crystals
    • Can now be set to contain specific objects instead of each one being randomized
    • Tweaked amount of restored health from small Vitality crystals
  • Save Platforms (Checkpoints)
    • Now exist as platforms to jump on rather than being invisible
    • Now required to save collectible and side objective progress, which is otherwise lost upon death
  • Rollers
    • Smoothed rolling
    • Side pieces now visibly lead the main Roller
    • Can now be parried over the player, or hit to briefly recoil
    • Sends player up less when it hits them
  • Runewarp
    • Now rotates to face the player
    • Changed goal pose
    • If target times are reached, timestamp will be color coded and a trophy will be displayed. New Records are also indicated


  • Horizon Falls v1
    • Replaced invisible checkpoints with new save platforms
    • Added activation buttons for Fire Rings, and adjusted Fire Ring placement to account for their increased size


  • Added an outline effect to the game's visuals, and brighter colors
  • New particle effect for enemies charging attacks, and when laser projectiles hit things
  • More footstep sound effects
  • Decreased size of particle effect when walking on dirt material


  • Improved cleared objectives loading complete status when player respawns from checkpoints, hopefully fixing the issue of objectives sometimes not properly registering as complete
  • Removed enemy healthbars
  • New Secret Crystal HUD graphics
  • Removed character select menu, as Efrix and Latra are temporarily removed until they are also revamped
  • HUD now has a transparent background image behind the various bars
  • Removed Fall Through The Earth easter egg that happened at random when pausing and unpausing when fps was set to Unlimited or "Ten :)"
  • Slightly changed some Sound Concurrency settings
  • Changed some particle effects
  • Updated Title Screen to show Distant Outlook
  • Changed About Game text and Credits
  • Changed smallest screen resolution option to still be 16:9, hopefully removing HUD / menu scaling issues (the game is still not very well tested for screen resolutions aside from 1920 x 1080)
  • New icon for the EXE


[[CURRENT]] Runecrossed v0.002.0.zip 729 MB
65 days ago

Get Runecrossed (Test Build 02: Atien Revamp)

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